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Dr. Melanie Joy

Soul Space Intuitive | Somatic Experiencing Practitioner | Holistic Health Consultant

I know what it’s like to try everything and still feel a deep ache in the soul.

I grew up constantly fighting a symptom. I had severe food allergies, a heart condition, chronic fatigue, you name it. As I grew older, I desperately wanted to heal– and I dove deep into the world of natural and holistic medicine. 

I fine tuned my diet, took all of the best supplements, did thorough labs– and while all of that has supported me greatly, there was still something lingering beneath the surface, and it would not be quiet. 

Holistic Health brought me to the path. Somatic work brought me home.

Through connecting with the sensations in my body in a safe and guided way– I reconnected with emotional wounds and traumas that hadn’t been given the space to move. They became lodged in my energetic body and were manifesting as physical symptoms. 

When I finally gave those emotions and feelings the space to be seen, expressed, and to breathe– my nervous system recalibrated. I started to feel more empowered in regulating my emotions. And I truly felt like I could begin to move in the world more embodied. More connected to my truth. And in my fullest expression. 

I utilize Somatic Experiencing with a Masters degree in Complementary and Alternative Medicine & Nutrition. I absolutely love this work. And I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. 

No matter the weight you’ve been carrying. No matter how many modalities you’ve tried. No matter how un-fixable you may feel at times. 

You are not broken, your nervous system has  been injured. And there is a way back home to yourself.

Start shaping your new life today

Education & Certifications


  • B.S. Secondary Education (2006)
  • M.S. Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (2012)
  • M.S. Nutrition (June 2022)
  • Ph.D. Clinical Christian Counseling (2019)


  • Integrative Functional Medical Nutritional Therapy Practitioner – IFMNTP
  • Licensed Dietician Nutritionist (LDN)  ND12641
  • Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) 
  • Nutrition Response Testing practitioner 
  • Board-certified Holistic Health Specialist 
  • Bioset Practitioner 
  • Genomix Practitioner 
  • Holistic Mineral Balancing Practitioner 
  • Clinical Christian Counselor 
  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 
  • Certified Level 1 Akashik Records  Practitioner
  • Level 2 QHHT Practitioner (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)

My Values & Beliefs

A Holistic Approach to Health and Healing

I believe in considering the whole person— spirit, mind, body, and soul. Going beneath the surface, and into the emotional body, can oftentimes be the missing link in why we feel the way we do.

Getting to the Root of the Issue

I believe in getting to the root of the problem rather than bandaging symptoms. My work is rooted in identifying root causes of disease so that the health improvement plan actually works.  

Safety, first and always.

I value safety, non judgment and confidentiality in every facet of my work.

Real Food. Real Supplements.

I value whole foods (real food, designed by nature) and whole food supplements as an effective way to meet the nutritional needs of the body and help it repair itself.

Are You Living a Nourished Life?

I love the word “nourish.” It has an emotional and energizing life to it beyond simply being practical. It involves caring for ourselves, our loved ones, and our environment. The nourished life is a deeply personal journey that begins with self care.

I want to invite you into the answer to each one of these questions and more. It’s a journey that will bring life to every part of you: spirit, soul, body. It’s a journey that never ends!

Learn more about the services I provide to help you start your journey and to encourage you along the way.

Are you craving a more natural approach to your health, but aren’t sure where to start or how to go about it all?

In my book, A Natural Path to Wellness, we’ll journey together to unearth profound tools and insightful information that will support you in taking steps towards a more whole and vital life– from the inside out. 


Easy to implement lifestyle changes

Herbal medicine guidance and recipes

Nourishing food practices

& Holistic Exercise and Movement Practices